

Samstag, 11. Juni 2011

Its not like the movies...

Time for the weeky post again, as i was out in town again :))
Naipolish by Katy perry...1. Teenage Dream 2. Friday night 3 Its not  like the movies...

bodylotion, the first smells like melon and the second one like coconut. I dont like the second smell to be honest.  ...but it makes your skin glitter. I love it !

 belt, i got from Tally Weijl. Tally Weijl is one of my favs shops ever.
i got this crazy bit at me mums tbh lol. She is a beautician and one of her clients asked her to sell jewellery and that... lol I got both for 3 euros each. The one above looks so funny with a colourfull dress. I know it looks a bit odd and weird on the pic but its defo not ! :))

thats it 4 this week ....  :)

Taly xxx

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